Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The RTS Index in Moscow lost 3.6 percent, its biggest decline in three weeks

RTS Futures Rise as Norilsk May Buy Back Stock: Russia Overnight | Stock To Buy

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The RTS Index in Moscow lost 3.6 percent, its biggest decline in three weeks, to 1,566.64, the lowest level since Aug. 11. The 30-stock Micex Index lost 1.7 percent to 1,493.19, a one-week low. The Bloomberg Russia-US 14 Index of Russian companies traded in New York fell for a third day ... “Norilsk’s buyback helped to offset the decline as their buyback is being closely watched by investors,” Yan Gloukhovski, a trader at Alforma Capital Markets, the New York branch of Alfa Bank, Russia’s biggest private lender, said in a phone interview [ hmm, interesting ... ]

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