Thursday, March 1, 2012

Syria opposition chiefs at odds over military body | Reuters

Syria opposition chiefs at odds over military body | Reuters

1 comment:

  1. clip from article: The two bodies, the SNC and FSA, have at times appeared at odds on strategy, with the Council initially reluctant to endorse the FSA's military response to a government crackdown.

    The SNC has been criticized by some Syrians for not overtly backing armed opposition to President Bashar al-Assad, which is being led by the Free Syrian Army.

    Ghalioun said the pro-democracy movement which started a year ago had remained peaceful for months but due to the violent government response it had to create the military council.

    Ghalioun aide Ausama Monajed told reporters the military body would bring all the factions fighting the Syrian government under one umbrella, evaluate their military needs and try to match them with offers of aid from abroad.


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