Sunday, February 16, 2014

Syrians and Syrian Refugees in Desperate Need!! by Atlantic Humanitarian Relief

Syrians and Syrian Refugees in Desperate Need!! by Atlantic Humanitarian Relief

Clipped from article: "Syrians are suffering at the hands of murderous Assad and fleeing by the thousands weekly to neighboring countries for safe haven. 
I travel to Jordan to volunteer with displaced Syrians in collaboration with two non-profits - Atlantic Humanitarian Relief and in collaboration with the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) and SCM Medical Missions.
The money you contribute will help transport humanitarian and medical aid to Jordan, go towards purchasing formula, bread, fruit and protein to families we meet in border towns, toward medicines, educational materials and whatever is needed during the trips.My goal is to travel to Jordan four times a year and hope that contributions will exceed $20,000 so together we can make a HUGE difference to people in desperate need.
I can't do it alone and need you. Thank YOU!" [Please read more and donate at link:]

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