Sunday, December 29, 2013

Good riddance 2013, a year of misfortune and a few good men - Al Arabiya News

Good riddance 2013, a year of misfortune and a few good men - Al Arabiya News

Syria committed to Iran attending peace talks: Minister

Syria committed to Iran attending peace talks: Minister

Soldiers hurt in Egypt bomb blast

Soldiers hurt in Egypt bomb blast

Egyptian Student Dies in Campus Protest -

Egyptian Student Dies in Campus Protest -

Years Of Turmoil Weigh On Beirut As Syria Strains Lebanon : Parallels : NPR

Years Of Turmoil Weigh On Beirut As Syria Strains Lebanon : Parallels : NPR

Aid to Syrian rebels flows through a complex maze | The National

Aid to Syrian rebels flows through a complex maze | The National

Yakima Herald Republic | Trudy Rubin: U.S. must get tough on Syria’s Assad

Yakima Herald Republic | Trudy Rubin: U.S. must get tough on Syria’s Assad

رسالة نارية من شابة فلسطينية محاصرة في مخيم اليرموك في دمشق إلى العالم ا...

Lebanon mourns ex-minister killed in bombing

Female suicide bomber kills 13 at Russian train station

Clashes in Egypt

Raw: Aftermath of Russian Train Station Blast

@UN SecCouncil: MUST Establish #SafeZone over #Syria so genocidal Assad can't bomb innocents

United Nations Security Council: Establish a NO FLY ZONE over Syria so genocidal Assad can't bomb innocents

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

@UN Security Council: Establish a #NoFlyZone #SafeZone over #Syria so genocidal Assad can't bomb innocents

United Nations Security Council: Establish a NO FLY ZONE over Syria so genocidal Assad can't bomb innocents

"Children are being murdered daily because of Assad's genocidal rampage. The world does very little and watches genocide in action. It's past time for the madness to stop. Please sign the petition, mention on Facebook and tweet on Twitter. Thank you. Maybe we will save lives together"

Please click on the link to sign the petition

Thank you! ..and May God Bless You!

Wendy Wyatt