Sunday, January 1, 2012

Egypt is positioned against Bashar Al Assad by promoting the unity of the Syrian opposition

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Egypt is positioned against Bashar Al Assad by promoting the unity of the Syrian opposition

clipped from article:

BEIRUT (AP) - The two main movements of the Syrian opposition signed an agreement for a period of transition and the establishment of a democratic regime in case of fall of the current government in power in Damascus, said Saturday more their leaders.
This is the attempt to unify the most serious to date of opposition to Bashar Assad, so far very dispersed. And it clearly states that its goal is the fall of the regime in Damascus.
Burhan Ghalioun, leader of the Syrian National Council (CNS), the main opposition, and Haytham Manna, the National Coordinating Committee for Democratic Change (NCCD) initialed the agreement in Cairo on Friday night, they reported via a statement from the NCCD and a statement of Omar Idilbi, on behalf of the CNS.
The agreement, according to the draft text which the Associated Press obtained a copy, rejects any foreign military intervention in Syria and called for the protection of civilians by all legal means within the framework of international law.
It provides a "transition period" after the fall of the regime of Bashar al-Assad, during which a new constitution should be drafted that ensures "a parliamentary democratic system, civil and pluralistic," and after which the parliament and a new president will be elected.
The agreement emphasizes the equality of all Syrian citizens, and calls the Kurdish minority party "fundamental and historic" of the national structure of the country [Tens of thousands of Kurds are deprived of the nationality while living in suyrienne Syria for over 60 years].

It also calls for the "liberation of Syrian territories," apparent reference to the Golan Heights occupied by Israel since 1967.

These two opposition movements have emerged since the beginning of the uprising against the regime in Damascus in March. The CNS is the most active abroad, Ghalioun meet many world leaders, while the NCCD has organized conferences of the opposition in Syria itself.
"The opposition, inside and outside the country, is to agree that this regime has to go and a new democratic system must be established," he told The Associated Press Syria's leader CNCD, Hassan Abdul-Azim, one of the leading dissidents in the country.
The two movements said they will officially initialed the text of their agreement to the Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil Elaraby, Sunday in Cairo [read more at link]

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