Friday, December 2, 2011

#Rights Chief Wants #ICC to issue #Warrants for top #Members of #Syrian #Government

Canada News, Commentary, Analysis, Blogs | The Mark

clipped from article: — Rights Chief Wants ICC on Syria's Case section tag With no sign of the Syrian crackdown slowing, calls grow for a greater international role in Syria. Navi Pillay, the UN's human rights chief, is calling on the International Criminal Court to issue warrants for the top members of the Syrian government to help bring an end to the ongoing violent crackdown in that country. More than 3,500 people have been killed and thousands more imprisoned since civilians began protesting the regime of Bashar al-Assad in March. Pillay said today at an emergency session of the Human Rights Council that the council had agreed on a resolution to call on Syria to allow a special investigator to examine abuses in the country. The council also discussed getting the Security Council to call on the ICC to consider issuing warrants for crimes against humanity committed by the Assad regime, but has yet to put that motion into a resolution. TAGS: news, Politics, Syria, Navi Pillay, UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, Bashar al-Assad [ read more at link ]

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