Thursday, August 15, 2013

Never Forgotten - #Rohingya

Never Forgotten -

clipped from article:situation in the Arakan has only been getting worse as Rohingya continue to starve under blockade by the government of Myanmar. Their access to food, clean water, and critic health care has been cut off for over a year now. If the situation does not change soon the Rohingya of Burma will be at risk of being expelled from their homeland. If this is allowed to happen the world will watch as Myanmar accomplishes it's aim of perpetrating genocide against it's Rohingya citizens.
For this reason Alder's Ledge would like to invite all of you to join us on August 13th (Tuesday) in tweeting on behalf of the Rohingya. United as one, we can make a noise that the world cannot easily ignore. We at Alder's Ledge call this simple act "Screaming". This allows the "Screamer" to come alongside the victims of genocide and spread the information to help raise awareness. It, in relation to the suffering of the victims, may not seem like much... but it sure as hell beats the deafening silence that has for far too long muffled the screams of the Rohingya themselves.
We ask that you read the links in the proposed tweets below and help educate yourself on the issue. This will help you scream more effectively. It will help you inform others. And it will make you a catalyst in this fight that those who support Burma cannot stop.
If you would like to write your own tweets please just add the hashtag: #NeverForgotten
This will help show solidarity with all the Rohingya suffering in Burma and around the world. Let's show them that we are watching, we are fighting, and that we will never forget their suffering. Let us stand up to the murderers and lift our voices. Lets show Myanmar's regime that we will not forget their crimes.
Suggested tweets:
1) Four #Rohingya shot dead in #Sittwe. Their suffering, their lives, their story will never be forgot:
2) #Rohingya suffer #HumanTrafficking as world remains silent:
After today may their suffering be #NeverForgotten
3) Religious #Discrimination continues as #Myanmar bans #Rohingya from #Eid prayers:
This abuse is #NeverForgotten
4) When dealing with the #Rohingya, #Myanmar has raised a black flag of #Genocide:
May their crimes be #NeverForgotten.
5) Preaching hate, 969 helps carry out the #Genocide of the #Rohingya in #Myanmar: #NeverForgotten
6) #Burma is recreating #Nazism's failed policies, only #Myanmar is succeeding at #genocide:
History is #NeverForgotten
7) Help #BoycottBurma and tell @pepsi that #Myanmar's crimes will be #Neverforgotten: #Rohingya @BoycottBurma
8) The #Rohingya have been made "Stateless In Their Own Country": via @RestlessBeings
But they are #NeverForgotten.
9) With the help of @PartnersRelief the #Rohingya will be #NeverForgotten:
10) Tell @CocaCola to leave #Myanmar and join the #BoycottBurma till #Rohingya are free from harm: #NeverForgotten
11) Partner with @PartnersRelief and donate today to help save #Rohingya:
May the #Rohingya suffering be #NeverForgotten
12) #Myanmar on it's way to recreating #Cambodia's "Killing Fields":
#Rohingya suffering should be #NeverForgotten
13) No rewards for #Myanmar till #Rohingya are safe and free:,0,3167729.story Tell #Burma their crimes will be #NeverForgotten
14) #Thai government must provide security for #Rohingya fleeing #Genocide in #Myanmar: We #NeverForget #NeverForgotten
15) #Rohingya seeking asylum in #Thailand receive only more suffering: You are #NeverForgotten #Rohingya.
16) #EastTimor faces the obligation of providing safe refuge for #Rohingya fleeing #Genocide in #Myanmar: #NeverForgotten
17) #Thai officials recreate abuses #Rohingya suffered in #Myanmar instead of providing refuge: #NeverForgotten
18) #Rohingya in #Thai captivity become desperate for basic #HumanRights: #NeverForgotten
19) #Rohingya Tears should be #NeverForgotten, video via @JamilaHanan: Watch, Share, #Scream.
20) Every #Genocide follows 8 steps, #Myanmar's genocide of the #Rohingya is approaching step 8: #NeverForgotten
These 20 tweets are basic suggestions and can be utilized to help generate some buzz about the tragic events currently plaguing the Rohingya people. With your help we can create a scream that echoes in the ears of the world around us. This is an attempt by Alder's Ledge to push the subject back out of the realm of silence and into the forefront of our conversations. We should never forget the pains inflicted upon the Rohingya people.
Please join us at 9am (New York) time on August 13th (Tuesday) 2013. The barrage of tweets is expected to last for one hour at least. But we would hope that this conversation and this fight does not end here or even with us alone. Engage everyone you know. Post this information to every outlet you have. Never stop, never relent, constantly... persistently scream for the Rohingya. Your voice may very well be the only one they have right now.
Times include 6am San Diego time, 7am Denver time, 8am Omaha time, 9am Chicago time, 2pm London time, 3pm Frankfurt Germany time, 4pm Jerusalem Time, 8pm Bangkok time, 9pm Shanghai, 10pm Seoul time. For all locations the day will be August 13th, 2013. That is Tuesday August 13th. [ read more at link]

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