Saturday, September 1, 2012

Syria Children: UNICEF in Action

Syria: UNICEF in Action 
Clip from website: The combination of escalating levels of violence, disruption of services and livelihoods threatens to put more children’s lives at risk. The UN recently estimated that around 1.5 million people in Syria are in need of assistance (OCHA, July 2012). Furthermore, 200,000 people have fled the violence in Syria to date and are receiving assistance in neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq; 114,894 are registered as refugees (UNHCR, July 2012) and the estimated number of internally displaced Syrians is more than 500,000 and increasing. It is estimated that around half of all displaced Syrians are children and adolescents, who continue to face interruption of schooling, limited access to basic services, and psychosocial distress caused by witnessing violence and displacement.
From the onset of the crisis in Syria, UNICEF has been working alongside its partners to provide assistance to Syrian children in need in the areas of Health, Nutrition, Education, Child Protection, and the provision of Non-Food Items (NFIs). [read more at link]

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