Sunday, January 1, 2012

18+ Syrian Tortured and Killed by Bashar Assad - Sadistic Dictator Mutil...

clipped from video description: Uploaded by Syria2011archives on Dec 31, 2011

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad in Jericho in the Idlib region of Syria on December 31, 2011
Martyr Mohammed Mustafa Sabbagh was arrested by the Security Forces of Bashar Assad near the Turkish Border and then the Assad Forces brutally tortured and maimed and Killed, crushing this man's skull in the process, as you can see in the video. Dictator Assad is one of the world's worst Human Rights Offenders on the planet, having arrested, tortured and killed countless thousands of Syrians in the manner in which this man was killed.
Syria Now
Posted by abeer on December 31st, 2011
Sounds of bombings are all over the town and others are heard from extensive gunfire and bombs

intense gunfire at the town perimeters and reports of defections in Ruhebet Khattab.

Security reinforcements arrive in five buses loaded wiith security personnel to add to the special forces already present at the junction between Alabzamo and Little Orm.

Moussa Al-Moussa, mayor of Marea, was arrested by Political Security forces in the governorate of Aleppo on charges of protesting and inciting others to protest.

Deir Ezzor
an explosion near the Political Security building shook the town
.Damascus Suburbs
The security forces and the thugs are attacking the mourners gathered in front of Al Kabir Mosque, they also raided the main square from three directions with armored vehicles and conducted a wide arrest campaign

Several Shabiha wore the clothes of the Arab League Committee's delegates yesterday and when Ahmad Bakbashy (14 years old) approached them to tell them what's happening in Lattakia they brutally beat him

Security enhancement includes more than 15 Zil military cars full of soldiers, one Jeep car and a bus are all heading throughout Mazza highway toward Al Amaweem square

Kafr Souseh
arrival of military enforecements to the place where mouners are. Security forces started shooting live fire and tear gas.

a demonstration set off in Sahaba chanting for Homs and besieged cities also demanding to bring the regime into justice even though it is only 50 meters away from the Criminal Police fortified building.

Damascuc Suburbs
a massive demonstration set off chanting for regime's ouster and renouncing kidnapping operations done by the regime's thugs

Heavy security deployment wearing civilian clothes, more than 5 buses full of security elements entered the camp of the Brigade 38.

a demonstration set off with women participation chanting for regine's ouster and demanding the observers committee assume their mission responsibly.

Martyrdom of soldier Bilal Naif AlAli by security forces because he refused to shoot on peaceful protestors. His body was delivered to his family and he was bid farewell a while ago

security forces shooting heavy gunfire on protestors in the road connecting to the Omari Mosque and fixing heavy machinery on top of buildings surrounding the city's municipality square.
A sniper belong to the security forces positioned on Abu Baker Mosque is shooting toward the mourners coming back from martyrs' graveyard, heavy security deployment in the area

a massive demonstration in town chanting for freedom and condemning the stance of the Arab League and its observers committee in Syria.

thousands of protestors continue their sit in accompained by the wounded and families of detainees & martyrs waiting for the arrival of the Arab League observers committee

Sporadic shooting by the security forces toward an anti- regime demonstration in order to disperse it

Martyrdom of Ahmed Khalaf and Radwan Mustafa Dakish in Al Brak village after being targeted by snipers positioned on Arjoun checkpoint

Heavy gunfire toward Wadi Arab neighborhood by snipers positioned on the communication center building

Heavy gunfire toward Wadi Arab neighborhood by snipers positioned on the communication center building

martyrdom of Mohammad Jalol and arresting his friend in an ambush set by secutiry forces on the road to Wata

Arab League observers committee passed by the demonstration and didn't stop with an extensive security spread

Aggressive security presence in the Medical Complex in Hama which is located in Al Marabet Street and in front of Bassman Hotel where the Arab League Observers are staying with huge number of Security elements. The Dignity's strike is continuing in Ibn Rushd Street, Al Taweel old market and Abi Elfedaa Street, all the peddlers who usually works there are in committed to the strike.

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