Sunday, December 25, 2011

Syria - Assad Blocks Bakery Access with Tanks to Starve Civilians - 12-2...

Arab League Monitors still being entertained by assad stage performances and not seeing what world is seeing ... this is really #Stupid

Arab League should have cell phones to upload and watch the latest #AssadCrimes and locations.

1 comment:

  1. clipped from video description:
    Uploaded by Souria2011archives on Dec 25, 2011

    This is a video from the town of Al-Quriya in Deir ez-Zor ( Dayr Ez Zour ), where Syria Dictator Assad has stationed his Army Tanks Next to a Bakery and is preventing the civilians from purchasing bread so as to starve the local population into submission and force obedience to the fascistic baathist Assad Dictatorship.


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