Monday, December 26, 2011

18+ Dictator Assad Victims Fill Pickup Truck as Army Bombs Baba Amr 12-2...

Clipped from video description: Uploaded by Souria2011archives on Dec 26, 2011

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad in Baba Amr in Homs on December 26, 2011. Wounded, Dead and Dismembered Headless Victims of the Assad Army Attack on Baba Amr fill the back of a pick-up truck in Homs on 12-26-11 The Sunni Civilian Population of Baba Amr in Homs is facing Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide by the Evil Depraved Fascist Baathist Alawite Sect Dictatorship of Bashar Assad as the Regime army bombs and shells Baba Amr in Homs with tanks and heavy artillery. As you can see in this video the Streets of Baba Amr are running red with blood as the regime is slaughtering the local population. These are more horrendous Crimes Against Humanity committed by the baathist Syrian Assad Family Dictatorship.

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