Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Syria - Dictator Destroys Deir Balbae - Assad will be Punished like Gadaffi 10-24-11

Syria - Dictator Destroys Deir Balbae - Assad will be Punished like Gadaffi 10-24-11: Artillery Shell holes in this family's bedroom - right over their bed, along with other artillery holes and large caliber weapon holes in their bedroom . The...

Clipped from video description: y Wyatt

Syria - Dictator Destroys Deir Balbae - Assad will be Punished like Gadaffi 10-24-11 Artillery Shell holes in this family's bedroom -right over their bed, along with other artillery holes and large caliber weapon holes in their bedroom . The Video then takes you out onto the Balcony where you look over the city of Deir Balbae and it is a scene of utter destruction that is shocking to see. The Dictator Assad must have attacked this city like it was a foreign enemy battlefield. Assad will be overthrown and he will meet his end in the same manner as Gadaffi did if he insists on trying to hold onto power until the very end. Assad has arrested, tortured and killed thousands of innocent people and he will pay for these crimes. Saddam and his sons and Gadaffi and his sons all paid with their lives for their crimes against Humanity. Bashar and Maher Assad and the leaders of the Baath Party, Intelligence Sections, Military Command and top Regime Cronies and Accomplices will all be overthrown and captured and we will then hold them accountable and we will not be merciful with them. What happened to Gadaffi is nothing compared to what might happen to Assad when the Syria people take power and capture him, as he, Assad, has arrested, tortured and slaughtered a lot more innocent civilians than did Gadaffi, evil as he was. ديدشلاراصحلا25/10/2011ج 2 مغر ةيئاسم ةبلعبريد صمح-ماش

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