S.N.N | شبكة شام's status: شام || حمص :: انطلقت مظاهرة حاشدة انطلقت من الجامع الكبير وتتجه نحو الساعة ساحة الحرية ,, الله أكبر يا أحفاد خالد قسما لن نركع الا لله
S.N.N | Network Sham 's Cham | | Homs:: started a rally started from the Great Mosque and moving at about Freedom Square,, Allahu Akbar, O descendants of Khalid section will not kneel except to God
S.N.N | Network Sham 's Cham | | Homs:: started a rally started from the Great Mosque and moving at about Freedom Square,, Allahu Akbar, O descendants of Khalid section will not kneel except to God