Monday, March 28, 2011

Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!


  1. Excellent and THANK YOU! Sincerely!

  2. However, the planet is in serious danger with oil spills and radiation, and cutting down the rain forest, endangered sea turtles, dolphins and sharks, glaciers melting, sea levels rising, and planet change will happen but we humans are destroying our ecoystem! That is a fact. Way too much evidence to ignore. Bloggers need to see that the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is cleaned up as BEST AS POSSIBLE, not a "media presentation" as BP managed to pull off, in violation to the Code of Federal Regulations, along with Judge Martin Feldman's violation of the Judicial Code of Conduct, ruling in a case which influences his $174,0000.00 of investments in oil, gas, and offshore drilling, including BP, including the rig that actually blew up April 20th, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. What the hell is BP doing on our shores anyway? Then wildlife rescue tell me they were instructed not to get involved, while our endangered species die from oil and dispersant, now people getting sick who live in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. Dead fish, dolphins and whales showing up dead on shores, and the government acts as if they are not sure why. This is an outrage and an insult to the intelligence of American People. 5% of the people are creating the disasters while 95% sit around worried about what's happening. Millions of dollars collected for Haiti, and there is no accountability for where the money went because it certainly did not go to Haiti! Where is the money that is supposed to be used to clean up the Gulf? Thank you for your video. It was inspiring.


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