Monday, February 13, 2012

#Syrian Forces Continue Attack on #Homs -

Syrian Forces Continue Attack on Homs -

clips from article: “The longer the international community fails to take action, the more the civilian population will suffer from countless atrocities committed against them,” Ms. Pillay said.

... Mr. Assad’s forces, who contend they are fighting foreign-backed terrorism, have engaged in an intensive assault on his opponents, primarily in the central city of Homs, since the Security Council effort failed. Ms. Pillay said at least 300 people were killed in Homs just in the past 10 days.“The failure of the Security Council to agree on firm collective action appears to have emboldened the Syrian government to launch an all-out assault in an effort to crush dissent with overwhelming force,” Ms. Pillay said. She added, “The appalling brutality that we are witnessing in Homs is a grim harbinger of worse to come.”

... Mr. Davutoglu said that the focus remained on finding a political solution to the violence, which he added was possible “even at this moment,” but he also acknowledged that Turkish and other officials were considering additional steps that could involve safe havens or corridors that would require international troops. “We cannot be silent when this human tragedy is continuing,” he said during remarks with Mrs. Clinton. “At this moment we are talking on diplomatic and humanitarian steps to be taken. For other scenarios we hope those things will not be needed, but we need to think about other contingencies as well.” [read more at link]

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