Sunday, February 12, 2012

Children NEVER A PRIORITY AS Russia Moves To Halt U.S. Adoptions - Digg

Children NEVER A PRIORITY AS Russia Moves To Halt U.S. Adoptions - Digg


  1. SCREENING PROCESS OBVIOUSLY THE PROBLEM! BUT much easier to blame an entire country, THAN to take ACCOUNTABILITY for your negligence. (

    HINT) #money #does #NOT #mean #GoodHome. ... actually this problem is global. screening screening screening checking up on children!! never happens because people really do not care.

  2. Another topic I could scream about for a lifetime. rrrrrffff I have done much research on the adoption process. #HORRIFYING ...usually just buying children. Not about children, about money. like everything else.

  3. I would not doubt it if people go to russia to adopt after they have been rejected elsewhere. I would research it, but probably a waste of time.

  4. hahahaha! notice I went off on a little tangent there, sorry. :)

    have a lot of adoption issues... no I was not adopted, but I have a lot personal friends who were as well as know a lot of parents who have adopted. Adoption is a market for selling children too often the focus is on closing the deal. some wonderful people want children, and can't get them because they are not rich. I know rich people who have adopted children, say it was not easy either, but I personally would completely revise adoption process. Accountability for children, not like a sale of property, now its yours... screening must include better process for psychological evaluation and no matter how excellent all data, monitoring child's well being should be implemented. Totally disgusting that it is not. Anyway, back to Syria...


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