Monday, February 13, 2012

#Avaaz - Smuggle #hope into #Syria - Plz Give What U Can - PayPal Accepted :)

Avaaz - Smuggle hope into Syria

clipped from article: Posted: 8 February 2012 On Saturday, Syria’s brutal forces killed one of Avaaz’s brave citizen journalists as he pulled people from the rubble of a deadly massacre in Homs. Omar* was just 23 and he died as he lived, photographing the regime’s crimes, helping others and sacrificing for freedom.

Right now, the regime is murdering men, women and children and tearing cities apart. China and Russia just handcuffed international action at the UN and gave Assad license to unleash his murder machine to crush the Syrian Spring once and for all. But Omar’s friend just wrote to us -- his community is determined, but they are urgently asking for our help: “We’re heartbroken, but his death will not be in vain, we will carry on the fight, but we need your support.”

Let’s be clear -- as embassies close, medical agencies withdraw and journalists pull out Avaaz has the only network that is both smuggling medical equipment and journalists in and images and information out. Avaaz just received a list of urgent needs: medical equipment for doctors in makeshift hospitals; more cameras and computers to keep informing the world; money for power and transport; safe houses for people to take refuge; and continued international activism and action in support. Donate now so we can continue our Arab spring campaigning and support for citizen journalists -- if 30,000 of us donate now, we can get aid to the most besieged cities and towns before the next attack.

[please give at link]

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