Sunday, February 12, 2012

18+ Syria Child Killed By Assad Army Snipers - Genocide Against Sunnis i...

Uploaded by Souria2011archives on Feb 12, 2012

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad as he commits Genocide against the Sunni Population of the Syria. This is the body of a young child Khaled Salah-killed by Dictator Assad on 12-12-12 in Deraa Region - The town is called Al Balad and this child was attending a funeral for a little girl who was killed by the Assad Army. While attending the funeral the Assad Army snipers shot this child in the head, causing the catastrophic head destruction that you see. The Assad Army has taken over the local Sunni Mosque and is using it as an Army Barracks and is shooting at people in the town from the roof of the mosque.
الشهيد الطفل صلاح خالد قناة طالته يد الغدر الأسدية أثناء تشيع الطفلة أسيل محمد الجبر في درعا البلد قد أصيب الطفل بطلقة قناص في الرئس في مسجد أبوبكر المحتل من قبل العصابات الأسدية
درعا البلد- الشهيد الطفل صلاح خالد قناة -فظيع جد

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