Thursday, December 1, 2011

18+ Syria Child Martyr Covered in Blood - Killed by Assad in Idlib 11-30-11

clipped from video description:
Uploaded by Syria2011archives on Nov 30, 2011

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad in the City of Idlib on November 30, 2011
The young child named Imad Saad Eddin in this video clip was shot by bullets from the fascist forces of longtime Dictator Bashar Assad and he is now being rushed for medical care of his injuries. He died along with 10 other civilians who were shot down in cold blood today in the streets of Idlib by Bashar Assad, most of them killed while attending a funeral for a number of people killed yesterday by the Dictator.

10 people were shot and killed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad in the City of Idlib today, November 30, 2011 amongst them a number of women, children and even one of the photographers filming the violence for upload to youtube. The situation in Syria is dire and up to 50 people per day are shot down in the streets by the fascist oriented baathist dictatorship of Bashar Assad. It is urgent that Turkey and Jordan and NATO and the Arab League waste no more time in militarily intervening in our nation. We need a NO FLY ZONE and a Humanitarian Corridor and Buffer zones on the borders to protect our civilian population from being slaughtered by Assad's army and Shabiha militia.
Residents of Idlib take cover while others flee for their lives through the streets of Idlib as they are being shot at by armed loyalists of Dictator Bashar Assad - Some of the idlib residents are shown in an earlier clip running while carrying wounded people shot by Assad's men. Many people were shot and wounded and killed in Idlib today, including one of the Video Film-makers who was filming the Assad Attack for uploading to YouTube.

The Syrian people have suffered tremendously under the fascist boot of the 41 year long totalitarian police state of the ruling Assad Family Dynasty. The Assad Police State came to power in a military coup and has killed over 130,000 Syrians during its 4 Decade Reign of Terror. In Syria we have no Free Speech, No Free Press or TV. We have fake elections with only one Candidate - the Dictator Assad, We have fake courts and fake trials and there are secret police everywhere who arrest , torture and kill you if you dare complain . The Assad family has stolen countless billions of dollars of our nation's wealth while half of our nation lives in dire poverty. The Assad family has put giant statues and Billboards of themselves on every street and they have named half of the nation's highways, parks, lakes, towns, public buildings, airports, dams,etc... after themselves. We live in the world's 2nd worst state sanctioned Cult of the Personality (2nd only to North Korea). Our regime stays in power as it hasput the small Alawite shiite religious sect in all of the important Army and Secret Police posts and has tied in the fate of the Alawite minority with the fate of the fascist Assad regime.
Internationally the Regime gets help from the worst nations and people on the planet to stay in power -- The fascist dictatorships of Iran, Russia and China along with the extremist Hezbollah militia of Lebanon have given the Assad regime military assistance and political cover at the UN. Iranian soldiers and Russian guns are used to kill us and keep us as slaves to the Assad Regime. The regime gets political cover from misguided anti-zionists and anti-imperialists who mistakenly think they are being progressive by helping the Assad Dictatorship. Assad has gotten lots of political support from degenerates, opportunists, fascists, stalinists and shiites around the globe. Some of the slime supporting Assad are Russia Today network, also known as RT , along with the Iranian Mullah " Press TV ", which both publish mostly fabricated news and soviet style propaganda. Other pro Assad scum include Workers World Stalinist communist party in the USA with its leaders like Sara Flounders, and many other far left communists, (even though Assad imprisons and kills communists). Assad also has gotten help from two-faced hypocrites like Dennis Kucinich who travels to Syria and who thinks he is important because he gets to meet Assad privately and get put on Syria State TV where he is used by the regime to give it legitimacy. Other slime and scum who support Assad include George Galloway of England who is now just a paid stooge of the Iranian Mullahs as he parrots the Tehran line on his Press TV show. Other supporters are of the Kooky New World Order paranoid conspiracy ilk, which include freaks like Alex Jones, Franklin Lamb and Webster Tarpley (formerly of the neo-fascist NCLC - Lyndon Larouche National Labor Party) and these three slimebags all love any Dictator as long as that Dictator is Anti - Freedom, anti- American, Anti-Europe and against any of the Western Democracies

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