Friday, September 2, 2011

Syrians call for Transitional Council to be formed to take Power from As...

clipped from video description:

Syria protesters call for the formation of a Transitional Council to take power from the fascist totalitarian Dictatorship of Bashar Assad at this Freedom Rally in Homs, Syria on 8-31-11
the Syria Opposition needs to quickly unite and form a Transitional Council, like the one that was formed in Libya, and needs to stake a claim as the Legitimate Government of Syria -- Assad is certainly not a legitimate leader as his family siezed power in a military coup and he, Bashar, inherited our country from his dead disctator father. Assad has never been elected in a free and fair election.

أوغاريت , حمص الشعب يريد مجلس إنتقالي , مسائية شارع الملعب

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