Saturday, January 28, 2012

Syria - Assad Army Tank Bombs Mosque - Hmouria 1-28-12 Dictator On Killi...

clipped from video description: Uploaded by Syria2011archives on Jan 28, 2012

Syria Dictator Bashar Assad and his Baathist Army are waging a Genocidal War against the Sunni Civilian Majority Population of Syria. The Regime is presently Exterminating all of its military's Sunni Muslim Officer Corp as a "preventative measure" as they are deemed untrustworthy - with countless officers, even Generals, being "Liquidated" in a Stalinist like fashion.
This clip is of the Assad Army bombing a local Sunni Muslim Mosque in Hmouria as the army wages war on the city. This bombing and carnage is a scene being repeated over and over again throughout the whole nation as hundreds of people are being arrested, tortured and killed, either by Assad Artillery or Assad Army Snipers or by being caught and tortured to death by Assad Militia.

فلاش حمورية مقطع فيديو لدبابه وهي تقصف احد المساج

Syria Today 28-1-2012
January 28th, 2012
The number of martyrs has risen to 20 thus far, including two children. The distribution of the martyrs are as follows: 10 in Homs, 3 in Hama, 3 in Damascus Suburbs (Ma'damiah,Zamalka and Basmia), 1 in Qunaitra, 1 in Dara ,1 in Idlib and 1 in Deir Ezzor. Note that not all the martyrs and wounded are accounted for due to the ongoing and heavy shelling of Rankous and eastern Ghouta

The Free Syrian Army rescued three reporters from the New York Times from security forces attacks and transferred them to a safe place. They are John Lynn Anderson, an American, Houyda Saeed, a Lebanese, and Karim Fahim from Eygpt.

Damascus Suburbs
Random violent shelling of the city is resumed

A military convoy was passing along the highway, heading north toward Rastan, when heavy gunfire from security checkpoints was reported. The main road has been sealed, and witnesses report seeing a low-flying plane heading north.

Damascus Suburbs
Security forces have stormed the villages of Ein AlKhadra and Basima in Wadi Barada (Barada Valley). Their agents are firing indiscriminately at mourners of the martyr Bassem Dalati. News of arbitrary detentions and the establishment of checkpoints.

Dar Ezzeh
Military reinforcements of troop carriers holding about 200 soldiers enter the town, accompanied by security forces centered at two checkpoints at the southern and the western entrances to the town

Damascus Suburbs
Sounds of more explosions and gunfire in the areas of Sendiyaneh, Jissr Aeb and Jissr Masraba

Security forces attack the funeral procession of the martyr Khaled Hosni. Two martyrs fell, one of them was identified as Abddul Aziz Nakhleh. Many have been injured.

More than five consecutive explosions and heavy gunfire from various heavy and light weapons in the neighborhood of Baba Amr from the direction of the student dorms

Security forces and army deployed heavily in the vicinity of the city on the main road, and more that 20 cars loaded with SHabiha units are heading from Aleppo towards Saraqeb

Maaret Al-Nouman
Random shooting near Salet Al-Masaya, led to the injury of three young men and a woman

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