Tuesday, November 8, 2011

18+ Syria pt 2- Little Girl Killed by Bashar Assad in Homs Baba Amr 11-7...

clipped from video description:

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Syria Dictator Bashar Assad .
This little Girl died from her injuries today, 11-7-11, in the City of Baba Amr in Homs Region of Syria . This girl was killed by the Army of Dictator Bashar Assad as soon as she walked out of her home today, receiving wounds that she later died from. This little girls death is one more reason that Syria needs to be liberated by NATO and by Turkey and by the USA as the Dictator Bashar Assad has arrested, tortured and killed countless thousands of unarmed innocent civilians, like this little girl, as the Regime goes on a Killing Spree in order to terrorize the population into showing Obedience to the 41 year rule of the Assad family, a family that has killed over 130,000 Sunnis during its 4 decade reign of terror in Syria.

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