Saturday, October 8, 2011

HOW 2 SUPPORT HUMAN RIGHTS! Crimes Against Humanity Rome Statute Elements Systematic Murder Torture Rape

Blogger, obviously.. :)
share news to help give voice where mainstream media fails.. join these free websites add each one to your toolbar, using @addthis makes it easy to keep up with updating multiple websites. However, the disadvantage is the journalist or reporter may not know you have supported by sharing their news. - Flicker is a good place to share photos, and you can create various photo albums such as, Assad Crimes, Gaddafi Crimes, Mubarak Crimes, etc.

When photos are very graphic, flickr sometimes removes them! CNNiReport, Blogger, Newsvine and Care2 will let you post there, but you have to write a story, or share a story related to the photo. You can cut and paste, but "quote sources" or put in you own words. Please be careful not to speak for Freedom Fighters accidentally -let reader know your opinion from Voice of Demonstrators Freedom of Speech is the whole point. I have received some opposition online, which I have responded with an apology for an error, and also recognizing if someone curses you out, don't take it personally, mentally give them an A+ for freedom of expression. :)

Maybe I should explain, I once received a message saying "F%$# You and F&%# the United Nations" ... I thought maybe they said that because I suggested victims report crimes against humanity to UN and ICC, and people have been tortured for reporting crimes! Now I understand why that may not be good advice for a demonstrator / protester, but supporters should write letters to protest the corruption and violence.. in my humble opinion, and remain open to change my mind, with additional information. Anyway, I discovered later, it was only one of Gaddafi's thugs. :)

Anyway, I am here to support Freedom Fighters, by helping amplifying "their" voice, but sometimes I get so angry about all the violence and injustice, my voice becomes amplified too, thus, my freedom of expression.
* Important to make clear who's voice is being posted.

Unless they are thugs of course, don't even give them the time of day. They are just energy vampires, like hecklers that try to distract you from your mission. arguing or even speaking to them is a 100% waste of time and energy. Speaking from experience. :}

The worst thing they can do to you is insult you, and you could insult them, and then we waste precious time acting like juveniles. I guess this is dictator's Intelligence Agency, whatever!

Facebook is great for the Freedom Fight too. My wall is open, so human rights news is welcome to post on my wall anytime, including comments. ...and please send me a message if you notice any discrimination on on my wall and I will block the source.

social networks are a place for freedom of expression and sharing important news, such as saving lives. Thank you for your support, and checking out my links.

May Divine Love Bless us All! Ameen~!/TurtleWoman777 ***** FAST WAY TO HELP NOW!!! RETWEET INFO FOR PROTESTERS!#SyriaBleeds

- can share from facebook, and upload reports!threadID=G2lSV94oYfOc%2FBDQe3ZQoQu86Kl_kl - you can import from blogger and twitter - you can open two accounts on wordpress! maybe more I haven't tried.

I will add them gradually, I have so many it takes too much time to load them all.... :)


Universal Declaration of Human Rights -Articles 1-5 sample of 31)

Article 1.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

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Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

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Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

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Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

^ Top

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


Write the United Nataions... in 200 characters or less! :/

Dear Visitors,

We are working on strengthening and developing our services on the Internet.

You are most welcome to provide us with your feedback and what you think we should improve. We value your input and appreciate your comments. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. All submissions will be reviewed and taken into consideration. Kindly note that we may not be able to reply individually to all e-mails at this time.

Thank you for your interest in the United Nations.


-Write Obama ...2500 characters

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please use the form below.


-Write NATO if you are inclined they welcome comments...but r under orders.



ICC - International Criminal Court

For more information about the work of the Victims Trust Fund please contact us at:

Trust Fund for Victims / Fonds au profit des victimes

International Criminal Court / Cour PĂ©nale Internationale

Maanweg, 174

2516 AB The Hague

The Netherlands

Tel: + 31 70 515 9000

Fax:+ 31 70 515 9898

Email: Trust Fund for Victims:

Victims Participation and Reparations Section:

Office of Public Counsel for Victims:


Be a reporter!

Report your news, upload your photos, and videos to CNN

and at all the other links above.

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