Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FBI investigating US Syrian Complaints of Intimidation by Embassies Overseas

US assails China, Russia vetoes on Syria at UN - World news - Asia-Pacific - China -

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Meanwhile on Wednesday, the Syrian government denied reports, including one from Amnesty International, that its overseas embassies were harassing and intimidating Syrian expatriates who have sided with the opposition. Syria's embassy in Washington denounced the allegations were "lies and distortions."

"These preposterous allegations claim that the embassy is involved in targeting or intimidating Syrian expatriates in the U.S., which is absolutely untrue," it said in a statement. "This is an outrageous travesty of truth. Promoted and proclaimed by vicious circles. It comes within the framework of an extensive campaign to instigate hatred and incite animosity. The purpose is simply to undermine any engagement process aiming to solve the crisis in Syria."

At the State Department, Nuland said that it had referred complaints it had received from Syrians in the U.S. to the FBI, which is investigating.

[ read more at link ]

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