Friday, July 22, 2011

Syria: UN advisers warn that crimes against humanity may have been committed

Syria: UN advisers warn that crimes against humanity may have been committed

clipped from article:

22 July 2011 –
The United Nations special advisers on genocide prevention and the principle of responsibility to protect today voiced alarm at persistent reports of widespread and systematic human rights violations perpetrated by security forces in Syria, saying that crimes against humanity may have been committed.

Francis Deng, the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide and Edward Luck, the Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect, said that Syrian security forces have reportedly continued to kill civilians and make arbitrary arrests.

Serious violations of international human rights law are reported to have systematically occurred in the context of the attacks on civilians, they said in a joint statement to the media.

“Based on available information, the Special Advisers consider that the scale and gravity of the violations indicate a serious possibility that crimes against humanity may have been committed and continue to be committed in Syria,” said Mr. Deng and Mr. Luck. ... read more ...

-------my comment ---- which I probably should not share, but I will, because what is the purpose of a blog if your not authentic with it?

I had hoped the United Nations would defend innocent civilians from brutal attacks by their own government / Assad Bashar, but after writing them almost every day for three months, I assumed public officials were in violation of ICC's "codes of conduct" with discrimination against Syrian Civilians because of "conflict of interest" is direct with these crimes against humanity, as abuse of power and for money. I am holding my breath to see if the United Nations will actually take action ... I pray, United Nations MUST AT LEAST issue an warrant for Assad's arrest for crimes against humanity as systematic atrocities "exactly" as described in the Roman Statute Element of Crimes under Murder Torture and Rape of children women youth men elderly and even people with developmental disabilities.
may? .. wow
...ruthlessly and brutally tortured and slaughtered every day for months, is not a may.

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