Gabriel Helou: Women's rights in Saudi Arabia

Gabriel Helou: Women's rights in Saudi Arabia: Women's rights in Saudi Arabia: “Morality police” orders a young woman out of a mall over nail polish !  Article Video

URGENT APPEAL: Grave concern for the lives of protracted #PalHunger strikers, Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Rikhawi

URGENT APPEAL: Grave concern for the lives of protracted #PalHunger strikers, Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Rikhawi: Joint Statement, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and Al-Haq   Jaffa-Ramallah, 31 May 2012 – The health conditions of Mahmoud Sarsak...

France says Syrian regime leaders will answer for ‘murderous folly’

France says Syrian regime leaders will answer for ‘murderous folly’: The leaders of the Syrian regime will have to answer for their “murderous folly,” the French president’s office said Monday, adding that Paris will be hosting the next Friends of Syria meeting. “The Houla massacre and the events of the these last days in Syria and in Lebanon illustrate, once more, the danger of Bashar al-Assad’s regime’s actions for the Syrian people,” said a statement.

Tell Putin to Stand on the Right Side of History!

Tell Putin to Stand on the Right Side of History!: Assad shouldn't get another chance to murder innocent children. It's time for us to put the pressure on Russia to stand on the right side of history. Take action now!

Monday, May 28, 2012

UN: Syrian troops massacred 32 children, 60 adults

UN: Syrian troops massacred 32 children, 60 adults: A dozen small bodies lay shoulder to shoulder Saturday, gaping head and chest wounds clearly visible, shorts and T-shirts soaked in blood. They were among at least 32 children, none older than 10, reportedly slaughtered Friday by Syrian troops or pro-government fighters in one of the worst massacres yet in the country's 14-month-old democratic uprising.

#Syrian protesters spell out: 'We are #Not #Terrorists' [Video] -

Syrian protesters spell out: 'We are not terrorists' [Video] -

 #Syria #Opposition spell out "WE ARE #NOT #TERRORISTS" & "OUR DEMAND IS #FREEDOM " n show of resistance2 #AssadTheLiar Series of videos reveal what's really happening in Syria .. the #TRUTH innocent civilians arrested tortured raped and murdered every single day, while World Leaders do nothing but Talk!

#Syria left without #UN bank account- #JaafariCries

Syria left without UN bank account: US banks are refusing to let Syria's UN delegation open a bank account, its ambassador said Thursday blaming sanctions imposed over the conflict in his country.

Gabriel Helou: WATCH: Israeli settler shoots at Palestinians whil...

Gabriel Helou: WATCH: Israeli settler shoots at Palestinians whil...: "B'Tselem releases video of clashes between settlers and Palestinians near Itzhar on Saturday; 24-year-old Palestinian wounded as a resu...

#Obama2012 / Is Congress broken? Startup Act shows what can work.

Is Congress broken? Startup Act shows what can work.: The Startup Act is a modest piece of pro-business legislation unveiled Tuesday. It won't change the world, but that's why it may pass. In a partisan Congress, 'good' may be better than 'perfect.'

Sunday, May 20, 2012

US tells G8 Assad must go, cites Yemen as model

US tells G8 Assad must go, cites Yemen as model: Washington says focus on securing access for UN monitors, keeping track of ceasefires has distracted from fundamental problems.

Arab despots and the chemical weapons taboo

Arab despots and the chemical weapons taboo: Weapons norms matter, and are a major reason why despots in the Arab world have not deployed chemical weapons.

Assad is 'doomed', Israel says

Assad is 'doomed', Israel says: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is 'doomed' and the international community must push to end his regime, Israel's Defence Minister Ehud Barak has said.

Antara News : G8 agrees movement needed in Syria: Obama

Antara News : G8 agrees movement needed in Syria: Obama: US President Barack Obama said Saturday that the G8 -- which includes Russia -- agreed that the political process in Syria should move forward "in a more timely fashion." "We had a discussion about Syria, we all believe that a peaceful resolution and a political transition in Syria is ...

Nine dead, 100 injured in suicide bombing in eastern Syria

Nine dead, 100 injured in suicide bombing in eastern Syria: DEIR AL ZOUR, Syria -- A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb in eastern Syria Saturday killing nine people, as US President Barack Obama said the G-8 wanted a political transition in the violence

#Obam2012 takes #women's issues from campaign trail to international stage

Obama takes women's issues from campaign trail to international stage: President Obama on Saturday brought women’s issues – a major topic in the 2012 presidential campaign -- into the world politics when he said world leaders at the G8 summit assembled to discuss Afghanistan, the European debt crisis and other international issues also talked about “female empowerment.”

Obama takes women's issues from campaign trail to international stage

Obama takes women's issues from campaign trail to international stage: President Obama on Saturday brought women’s issues – a major topic in the 2012 presidential campaign -- into the world politics when he said world leaders at the G8 summit assembled to discuss Afghanistan, the European debt crisis and other international issues also talked about “female empowerment.”

The #Syrian #Regime: To #Stop The #Execution of Engineer #Muhammad #Alhariri

The Syrian Regime: To Stop The Execution of Engineer Muhammad Alhariri: In the absence of free journalism to cover the peaceful demonstrations of Syrian people and brutality of the Syrian regime, every one becomes a...

Public Notice: My accounts getting hacked everywhere!

Facebook, Digg, Twitter, Blogger, and now google, oh and my email! I deleted messages from all the above, as well as my youtube! :? I cannot track all these activities on all these websites, so if you see something that looks out of the ordinary for me, or a something strange about it, it probably is not from me, and may have a virus. ... #WorseCase #Scenario This week a blog was posted about me ... I didn't read it, or open it. My email and blogger were hacked by angry solar people ...which I just realized are the same account, so no wonder both hacked. Then last night I found out Japan hacked my Google account! Wow! ... crazy, ..I must be doing something right? .. I hope. Just be aware.. because that's all I know... and that I cannot keep up with all the accounts I have opened.. it would take 48 hours a day!

Syria - Anti Assad Motorcycle Protest 5-15-12 Bikers Ride For Freedom and Democracy in Salamiah

Syria - Anti Assad Motorcycle Protest 5-15-12 Bikers Ride For Freedom and Democracy in Salamiah: Syrians Motorcycle Riders Caravan for Freedom and Democracy and for an end to the Assad Family Dictatorship through the streets of Salamiah on May 19, 2012 ف...

حمص جوبر قصف عنيف 19-5-2012

حمص جوبر قصف عنيف 19-5-2012: بابا عمرو في عين الثورة

حمص جوبر قصف عنيف 19-5-2012

حمص جوبر قصف عنيف 19-5-2012: بابا عمرو في عين الثورة

Incorporating A Heart-Centered Approach to Business |

Incorporating A Heart-Centered Approach to Business |: Babacita discusses incorporating a heart-centered approach to business with a variety of examples and some initial how to steps to utilize heart as a differentiator.

Overview - Save the Children's Good Goes Campaign

Overview - Save the Children's Good Goes Campaign: Every 3 seconds a child survives thanks to the basic health care provided by local health workers. Frontline local health workers help children all over the ...

Overview - Save the Children's Good Goes Campaign

Overview - Save the Children's Good Goes Campaign: Every 3 seconds a child survives thanks to the basic health care provided by local health workers. Frontline local health workers help children all over the ...

Vladimir Putin 101: A quiz about Russia's president

Vladimir Putin 101: A quiz about Russia's president: Vladimir Putin is back in charge of Russia, taking up the office of president for the third time in 12 years. How well do you know Russia's top political figure Take our quiz and find out!

White births in US no longer a majority

White births in US no longer a majority: White births in the US have been surpassed by racial and ethnic minorities, according to newest Census data.

Diplomat: Confidential report finds Iran shipping arms to Syria

Diplomat: Confidential report finds Iran shipping arms to Syria: A confidential U.N. report revealed Iran is exporting arms to the Syrian government in violation of a ban on weapons sales, the same day President Bashar al-Assad blamed the violence in his country on the work of foreign-backed fighters. The draft re...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

U.N. observer team evacuated from Syrian town escape deadly violence

U.N. observer team evacuated from Syrian town escape deadly violence: United Nations-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan on Wednesday said U.N. observers monitoring the violence in Syria were evacuated from a tense town a day after a blast hit their convoy. Syrian troops were accused by activists of another massacre when they opened fire on a funeral procession and reportedly killed 20 people on Tuesday in the town of Khan Sheikhun, in the northwestern province of Idlib. During Tuesday’s funeral, a convoy of U.N. observers was struck by a homemade bomb, damaging three vehicles but causing no casualties. Because of blast

#McCain : #Wheres Obama on #Syria?

McCain: Where's Obama on Syria?: Sen. McCain argues the U.S. and the international community should provide weapons to the Syrian opposition....

Red Cross: 1.5 Million in Syria Lack Basics

Red Cross: 1.5 Million in Syria Lack Basics: Fighting in parts of Syria has morphed into local guerrilla wars, the Red Cross said

#New #Online #Security #Standards Dot-Music, Dot-Sport and (Security Experts Hope) Dot-Secure

Dot-Music, Dot-Sport and (Security Experts Hope) Dot-Secure: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann, is about to throw open the floodgates to new top-level domain names. While most security experts have criticized the change, one group sees an opportunity by creating what it says will be a secure top-level domain.

Fouad Ajami: #Syria is #Obama 's #Rwanda @BarackObama #Genocide #SOS #World #Shame

Fouad Ajami: Syria is Obama's Rwanda: Fouad Ajami says Pres. Obama may regret not helping people in Syria the way Pres. Clinton did after the Rwanda Genocide....

Monday, May 14, 2012

Finding a way to get Al Assad to quit #Syria

Finding a way to get Al Assad to quit: One big step in the right direction would be for Russia to shift its position and stop protecting the Syrian leader

Turkey's top treatment for Syrian rebels, eyeing homecoming (PHOTOS) — RT

Turkey's top treatment for Syrian rebels, eyeing homecoming (PHOTOS) — RT: There are officially no Syrian refugees in Turkey – only “visitors from Syria.” Well-accommodated and enjoying Turkey’s hospitality, they return home, contradicting the “evil Assad regime scares its own people away” narrative sold by Western media.

Even Under Threat, Syrian Artists Paint In Protest - NCPR News from NPR

Even Under Threat, Syrian Artists Paint In Protest - NCPR News from NPR: In Syria, anyone who speaks out against the regime of President Bashar Assad risks harassment, detention or worse. A gallery in Beirut recently featured artwork smuggled out of the country — much of it inspired by the Arab uprisings.

#Syrian #Kurdish leaders discuss #PostAssad vision with #US officials

Syrian Kurdish leaders discuss post-Assad vision with U.S. officials: Earlier this week a delegation representing the Kurdish National Council (KNC) met with Ambassador Robert Ford, Asst. Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey

ديربرس - مظاهرة طلابية كلية الزراعة بديرالزور 14-5

ديربرس - مظاهرة طلابية كلية الزراعة بديرالزور 14-5: ديرالزور برس :: مظاهرة طلابية في كلية الزراعة بديرالزور نصرة للمدن المنكوبة ومطالبة بالحرية واسقاط النظام 14-5-2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Libya on the Line: The war retold

Libya on the Line: The war retold: Al Jazeera will retell the Libyan civil war from a new perspective: through the eyes of Gaddafi and other top officials.

John Kerry Endorses #NATO Airstrikes in #Syria

John Kerry Endorses NATO Airstrikes in Syria: As politicians line up to get on the right side of history, and the Obama administration bides it’s time hoping Kofi Annan can, as Senator Kerry put it, pull a rabbit out of his hat, it should be recognized that this conflict is likely to have regional and global implications. American involvement intending to avert a local humanitarian crisis could end up creating an international one, as did our involvement in Libya.

John Kerry Endorses #NATO Airstrikes in #Syria

John Kerry Endorses NATO Airstrikes in Syria: As politicians line up to get on the right side of history, and the Obama administration bides it’s time hoping Kofi Annan can, as Senator Kerry put it, pull a rabbit out of his hat, it should be recognized that this conflict is likely to have regional and global implications. American involvement intending to avert a local humanitarian crisis could end up creating an international one, as did our involvement in Libya.

POLITICS - Freed journalists tell of captivity in Syria

POLITICS - Freed journalists tell of captivity in Syria: The two Turkish journalists returning to Turkey from Syria have recounted the story of their ordeal to their colleagues, alleging threats of torture and killings.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ruble Drops to Three-Month Low Versus Dollar After Oil Decline - Businessweek

Ruble Drops to Three-Month Low Versus Dollar After Oil Decline - Businessweek: The ruble weakened to its lowest close against the dollar in almost three months after oil, Russia’s chief export earner, declined.

Friday, May 11, 2012

(05-11-2012) #Hama | Individuals Being Shot Because of Protesting #Syria

(05-11-2012) Hama | Individuals Being Shot Because of Protesting:!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?

The farce of the Syrian elections

The farce of the Syrian elections: Assad’s cosmetic reform and his electoral charade have failed to change the situation on the ground Amid the widespread of violence across Syrian cities and towns, the government held the first parliamentary elections under the new constitution. The regime has ignored public demands for sweeping change and has insisted on steering the country the way that suits the interests of the regime.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

what i got #Love - Sublime dedicated2 #Syria #FREEdom

311 "what i got" [sublime cover]: i do not own this video's rights and do not mean to break any copyright laws. ~My first vid, pictures are iffy, but i had fun making it. :] ~~~lyrics~~~~ Ear...

#Obama2012 Youth Sustainability Challenge Launch

Youth Sustainability Challenge Launch: The Obama Administration launches its Youth Sustainability Challenge, an online video challenge encouraging America's youth to tell the world what they are d...

#Obama2012 Youth Sustainability Challenge Launch

Youth Sustainability Challenge Launch: The Obama Administration launches its Youth Sustainability Challenge, an online video challenge encouraging America's youth to tell the world what they are d...

Joining Forces Honors Military Moms #Obama2012

Joining Forces Honors Military Moms: First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden host a Joining Forces Mother's Day event at the White House for three generations of military families -- milita...

White House College Affordability Briefing #Obama2012

White House College Affordability Briefing: Students and representatives from higher education and youth-serving organizations participate in a White House College Affordability Briefing about the impo...

(05-10-12) Hama | Assad Forces Shoot Inside Al-Falah Mosque at Worshippers

(05-10-12) Hama | Assad Forces Shoot Inside Al-Falah Mosque at Worshippers:!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?

Bodies found as searchers reach wreckage of Russian jet that crashed in Indonesia

Bodies found as searchers reach wreckage of Russian jet that crashed in Indonesia: An air force official says the wreckage of a Russian-made passenger jet that disappeared during a demonstration flight in Indonesia appears to have been spotted on the side of a volcano.

Bodies found as searchers reach wreckage of Russian jet that crashed in Indonesia

Bodies found as searchers reach wreckage of Russian jet that crashed in Indonesia: An air force official says the wreckage of a Russian-made passenger jet that disappeared during a demonstration flight in Indonesia appears to have been spotted on the side of a volcano.

European Stocks Decline Amid Greek Impasse; Mediaset Retreats

European Stocks Decline Amid Greek Impasse; Mediaset Retreats: May 9 (Bloomberg) -- European stocks declined as investors awaited a resolution to the political impasse in Greece. U.S. Index futures and Asian shares also retreated. Kloeckner & Co. and Mediaset SpA both dropped...

Carlsberg Hit by Russia Slump

Carlsberg Hit by Russia Slump: Brewer Carlsberg swung to a loss in the traditionally weak first quarter after sales slumped in Russia and it ramped up marketing and distribution spending ahead of soccer's European Championships this summer.

Ailing Russian Markets

Carlsberg swings to loss on weak East Europe sales: COPENHAGEN (MarketWatch) -- Brewer Carlsberg A/S (CARL-A.KO) reported Wednesday that it swung to a net loss in the traditionally weak first quarter, due mainly to ailing Russian and Ukrainian markets, but kept its full-year guidance.

Syrian government using malware to spy on activists

Syrian government using malware to spy on activists: The Syrian authorities using malware to spy on anti-government activists. Online comedians comment on the outcome of France’s presidential election. And an American radio host creates the ultimate viral video…

#Syrians' plight touches #Turkey 's Little #Afghanistan

Syrians' plight touches Turkey's "Little Afghanistan": OVAKENT, Turkey (Reuters) - When Abdul Maraf Yildiz looks at the thousands of Syrian refugees flooding across the border into southern Turkey, he sees himself, 30 years ago.

UN chief Ban condemns Syria bombing, says it could impact observer mission

UN chief Ban condemns Syria bombing, says it could impact observer mission: UNITED NATIONS — Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has condemned a bomb attack in Syria that struck close to U.N. observers, saying it could impact the mission’s future.

Explosion hits U.N. monitor convoy in Syria

Explosion hits U.N. monitor convoy in Syria: BEIRUT (Reuters) - A large explosion hit cars accompanying United Nations ceasefire monitors in the southern Syrian province of Deraa on Wednesday, injuring eight Syrian guards, a pro-government news channel said.

Putin promises a strong Russia, opponents jailed

Putin promises a strong Russia, opponents jailed: MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin promised to project Russia's might on the world stage in a rallying speech on Wednesday to troops and war veterans celebrating victory over Nazi Germany at a military parade bristling with weapons on Red Square.

Syrian refugees fear they'll never see home again

Syrian refugees fear they'll never see home again: Exile is a way of life for tens of thousands of Syrians who fear they are to become permanent refugees.

Survivors of sea voyage to Malta say seven Somali refugees died

Survivors of sea voyage to Malta say seven Somali refugees died: Latest deaths bring the number of reported or confirmed dead among people attempting to reach Europe from Libya to 81 this year.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Getting Aid Into Syria

Getting Aid Into Syria: It is estimated that one million civilians are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

What if we “Run from the Cure” instead of using it? | News Truth, The Simple Truth

What if we “Run from the Cure” instead of using it? | News Truth, The Simple Truth: What if Big Pharma used lobby groups to lobby Parliament in order to make this “Plant Cure” illegal so they could sell Millions of units of their product over decades, generating Billions of pounds in revenue and causing untold deaths, would that ’PISS YOU OFF’ enough to want to change things?

Women's Rights Without Frontiers - Stop Forced Abortion - China's War on Women!

Women's Rights Without Frontiers - Stop Forced Abortion - China's War on Women!: China’s population control program, called the “One Child Policy,” is enforced through coercive measures including forced abortion and forced sterilization. Since the majority of those aborted are female, the One Child Policy has created gender imbalance that is a powerful, driving force behind sexual slavery in Asia.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Syrian opposition urges boycott of this week’s parliamentary election

Syrian opposition urges boycott of this week’s parliamentary election: BEIRUT — Syrian opposition leaders on Sunday dismissed upcoming parliamentary elections as a cynical attempt by President Bashar Assad to hold on to power and urged voters to stay away.

Syrian opposition urges election boycott

Syrian opposition urges election boycott: Syrian opposition leaders on Sunday dismissed upcoming parliamentary elections as a cynical attempt by President Bashar Assad to hold on to power and urged voters to stay away.

Syrian opposition urges election boycott

Syrian opposition urges election boycott: Syrian opposition leaders on Sunday dismissed upcoming parliamentary elections as a cynical attempt by President Bashar Assad to hold on to power and urged voters to stay away.

Syrian opposition urges election boycott

Syrian opposition urges election boycott: BEIRUT (AP) � Syrian opposition leaders on Sunday dismissed upcoming parliamentary elections as a cynical attempt by President Bashar Assad to hold on to power and urged voters to stay away. The election of a 250-seat parliament comes three months after the adoption of a new constitution that allows the formation of political parties to compete with the ruling Baath party. A U.N.-brokered truce last month has failed to halt a brutal regime crackdown on the 14-month-old uprising against Assad despite the presence of foreign observers sent to monitor compliance. Underscoring the continued violence, U.N. observers visited Zabadani and Dael on Sunday, and regime forces fired randomly into Dael after they left, injuring three people, Adel said. Since the outbreak of Syria's popular revolt in March 2011, the regime has made a series of gestures to try to allay the crisis, but also kept up its attacks on centers of rebellion. Earlier this week, the state-run news agency SANA reported that a pro-regime candidate, Abdul-Hamid al-Taha, was gunned down in the southern city of Daraa in an attack it blamed on "armed terrorists," the term the regime generally uses for opponents. U.N. officials hope the deployment of more observers will gradually calm the situation, and Annan's spokesman says the peace plan remains on track.

Saudi warns citizens against travel to Syria

Saudi warns citizens against travel to Syria: RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia warned its citizens against travel to Syria and urged those in the country to leave because of the security situation, state media reported on Sunday.

Tripoli protests go ahead after overnight tension

Tripoli protests go ahead after overnight tension: Army troops were busy Friday containing tension in Lebanon's second-largest city in the wake of an overnight security incident, as two out of three weekly protests took place as scheduled.

Syrian opposition leaders urge election boycott

Syrian opposition leaders urge election boycott: Exiled Syrian opposition figures urged voters to boycott an upcoming parliamentary election.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bashar Al-Assad By Passed Sanctions to Download Music

Bashar Al-Assad By Passed Sanctions to Download Music: A new report shows harsh Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad sidestepped international sanctions in order to download music from some of the U.S.’s biggest stars! Chris Brown, LMFAO and country star Blake Shelton are just a few of the songs al-Assad downloaded from iTunes, something that is illegal due to international sanctions.

Erdogan to visit Turkey-Syria border after shootings - The National

Erdogan to visit Turkey-Syria border after shootings - The National: The government in Syria is accusing Turkey of meddling in Syria's internal affairs by supporting the opposition to Bashar Al Assad, the president.

Syria’s rhetoric: Worse than murder!

Syria’s rhetoric: Worse than murder!: In the Syrian crisis, or rather the bloody Syrian civil war, we have entered an absurd stage with regards to official political statements. Last week Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mukdad, who is a seasoned diplomat, with experience in the UN Security Council and General Assembly, issued strange and bizarre statements to the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. Mukdad said that the West was conspiring against Syria. Then he added that Western countries such as Britain, France and the United States are seeking to strengthen the presence of al-Qaeda in Syria! These are frightening

Explosions hit Syria's two main cities, five dead

Explosions hit Syria's two main cities, five dead: Bombs explode in Aleppo car wash, on Damascus highwau; violence continues with 50 of 300 UN observers present in Syria.

Amid the ruins in Homs, Syrian rebel anger burns

Amid the ruins in Homs, Syrian rebel anger burns: HOMS, Syria (Reuters) - Burnt houses, collapsed buildings and rubble line streets strewn with broken glass and spent shells in Homs' devastated neighborhoods, for months the front line in the revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad .

Friday, May 4, 2012

Syria activists say 37 killed as cease-fire continues to unravel

Syria activists say 37 killed as cease-fire continues to unravel: Activists reported at least 37 people killed across Syria on Friday as security forces fired at several antigovernment protests and continued shelling cities.

Where the children of Syria learn to forget

Where the children of Syria learn to forget: Mustafa Shakir looks like a good headmaster. He's friendly, conscientious and cares deeply about the children he teaches. But, back in Syria, once he'd crammed and coached his Year 9 history pupils through their end of year examinations, he would have one last task for them: "Please forget everything I taught you."

مناوشات في غمرة بعد فض الاعتصام

مناوشات في غمرة بعد فض الاعتصام: شهدت منطقة غمرة اشتباكات ومناوشات تبادل فيها الأهالي الرشق بالحجارة مع «مجهولين» حسب وصف الأهالي ، كما شهدت المناوشات إلقاء لزجاجات المولوتوف و الألعاب النار...

حمص الرستن 4 5 2012 وصول لجنة المراقبين

حمص الرستن 4 5 2012 وصول لجنة المراقبين: ►═══════●►دعم◄●════════◄

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Has America given up?

Has America given up?: The Barack Obama administration gussies up everything it says and does in meaningless, New Age diplospeak. Its Atrocities Prevention Board is but the latest, and most ridiculous, example.

Meanwhile in Syria

Meanwhile in Syria: People fleeing the central Syrian city of Homs have told the BBC that security forces are committing atrocities there. One woman told the BBC's Paul Wood on the outskirts of Homs that soldiers ha...

A Syrian Graffiti Artist, Defiant Until Death

A Syrian Graffiti Artist, Defiant Until Death: Known as the spray man, 23-year-old Nour Hatem Zahra helped organize protests and spray-painted anti-government slogans around Damascus, the Syrian capital. He died this week after security forces shot him. Hundreds of mourners attended his funeral.

Obama targets evaders of Iran, Syria sanctions

Obama targets evaders of Iran, Syria sanctions: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama signed an order giving the Treasury Department more power to go after individuals and groups who try to evade America's sanctions against Iran and Syria .

While Syria burns

While Syria burns: The tragedies of Rwanda, Darfur and now Syria did not result from lack of information or lack of interagency coordination, but from lack of will.

Obama Orders Penalties on Syria, Iran Sanctions Evaders - Businessweek

Obama Orders Penalties on Syria, Iran Sanctions Evaders - Businessweek: President Barack Obama signed an
executive order today barring from the U.S. marketplace any
person or entity that has helped Syria or Iran violate U.S.