Newsvine - Syria: Assad + World Leaders' = Bull@!$%#! | World news | The Guardian

Newsvine - Syria: US presses 4 opposition dialogue with Assad = Bull@!$%#! | World news | The Guardian

This is bull@!$%#! And I will be writing Obama about this, as I have already regarding this Terrorist Assad. The world has already witnessed Assad's horrifying dialog, which include bullets, murder, torture and rape. Assad should save his dialog for International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity according to Roman Statute "Elements of Crimes" as defined in ICC website ... Can World Leaders please uphold International Law? and stop the "Conflict of Interest" that also violates the "Code of Conduct for Public Officials" according to ICC's website docs, because the conflict of interest is violating human rights and an investigation is definitely in order! Although the whole world has already seen plenty of evidence of Assad's crimes against humanity, as defined by International Criminal Court, and which Mubarak and Gaddafi are facing. By allowing this evil tyrant (Assad al Bashar) to run loose like a wild boar killing everything in sight, and who is worse than Hitler to kill people everyday on the streets and in homes, killing and raping women and children?!! There are still 1000's of people missing that are in serious danger! I am afraid for their lives, and pray they are not being tortured like the world has already witnessed. Who can laugh while doing such acts? Wake up to the reality of the situation. What if you who were the victim? What would each world leader say then? Discrimination. I think the world should rise up and create new leadership with skills that deal corruption by upholding international law without discrimination, and that does not violate human rights with horrifying atrocities against humanity. Leaving Assad in Power has already turned earth into a living hell. What the hell is wrong with our leadership?? Many many excuses for allowing this tyrant to continue every day for months! Leaving the worst terrorist that ever existed in power? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! The whole world will rise up to make sure this does not happen!! I promise. STAY TUNED TO WATCH GOD / ALLAH HANDLE THIS DIS-EASED RAT SITUATION!

Assad deserves a swift trip to The Hague | Syria 2011 : Opinion: Assad deserves a swift trip to The Hague | Syria 2011

Assad deserves a swift trip to The Hague | Syria 2011 : Opinion: Assad deserves a swift trip to The Hague | Syria 2011

Ugarit bold children of the children of freedom leads a demonstration in Damascus Harasta :) And may Angels of Heaven surround this brave child, and

YouTube - أوغاريت طفل جريء من أطفال الحرية يقود مظاهرة في حرستا ريف دمشق

Ugarit bold children of the children of freedom leads a demonstration in Damascus Harasta :)
And may Angels of Heaven surround this brave child, and keep him safe for all harm, and may he be blessed and free, all the days of his life! Thank you Lord of Divine Love, Ameen!
YouTube - أوغاريت طفل جريء من أطفال الحرية يقود مظاهرة في حرستا ريف دمشق

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to S... - Care2 News Network

Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to S... - Care2 News Network

Clipped from article:

Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey
– 2011/06/28نشر فى: English
Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey

20 Trucks will be doing the journey from Germany and Belgium to the Syrian refugee camps on the Turkish Border with food medicine clothes and toys and some entertainers to keep the kids happy. Let us raise money and send it to the people in need.


From Beirut, Palestine & Cairo :
Zeid Hamdan – Maryam Saleh – Tamer Ghazaleh
traditional Arabic music and Electro

From London:
Florida Room
Roots Sounds


DJ L-Masri (oriental electronics)

+ more bands to be announced soon

ENTRY FEE: £15.00
all funds go directly to funding the charitable convoy
1 pound from drinks goes towards the charitable convoy
Thanks to the generosity of these amazing bands, djs and venue this event is possible in such short time.

Event supported by IHH ( and Firefly International (

Event organised by The Creative Syrian, a group of human rights campaigners with no affiliations to any party or policy

Mare Moto

562 Kings Road
London, United Kingdom

Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey

Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey

clipped from article:
Sing for Syria! : Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey
– 2011/06/28نشر فى: English
Fundraising Concert to bring supplies to Syrian Refugees in Turkey

20 Trucks will be doing the journey from Germany and Belgium to the Syrian refugee camps on the Turkish Border with food medicine clothes and toys and some entertainers to keep the kids happy. Let us raise money and send it to the people in need.


From Beirut, Palestine & Cairo :
Zeid Hamdan – Maryam Saleh – Tamer Ghazaleh
traditional Arabic music and Electro

From London:
Florida Room
Roots Sounds


DJ L-Masri (oriental electronics)

+ more bands to be announced soon

ENTRY FEE: £15.00
all funds go directly to funding the charitable convoy
1 pound from drinks goes towards the charitable convoy
Thanks to the generosity of these amazing bands, djs and venue this event is possible in such short time.

Event supported by IHH ( and Firefly International (

Event organised by The Creative Syrian, a group of human rights campaigners with no affiliations to any party or policy

Mare Moto

562 Kings Road
London, United Kingdom

Bad Reviews for Assad’s Efforts to Win Hearts in Syria: Worldview – Bloomberg | The Fresno News

Bad Reviews for Assad’s Efforts to Win Hearts in Syria: Worldview – Bloomberg | The Fresno News

My comment to the article attached --which may or may not be approved by the moderator:

If you watched the 1000's of videos showing peaceful protesters being attacked by military and police, including shooting small children in the head, military open fire on a school bus of children, seeing photos of dead babies, and protesters singing on video quickly turn into unarmed protesters laying in the street, while a stream of blood several feet wide flows down the street because so many civilians are bleeding to death, and I saw the piles of flesh with arms and legs laying about that was previously a march holding signs NOT WEAPONS, soldiers laughing while kicking bodies of men who have head their heads blown off --because they were trying to smuggle in food for their families, public hangings include pregnant women, mass graves with beheaded soldiers that tried to defect, Or how about the video where people are marching and singing until open fire kills dozens -ALL CAUGHT ON TAPE, including a small child, where the father is carrying the child with part of his head missing screaming, "Get an ambulance! Get a car!" so much in shock he refuses to accept the child is already dead. Or how about the one where a six year girl is dead, being shot in the eye, or the 13 year old boy who was tortured to death, with all sorts of marks on his body, burns cuts, beatings, and his penis cut off, women gang raped by police and military and children raped as young as 8 years old .... ignoring major evidence does not make them go away, such as brutality that causes massive death, torture and rape.

Suddenly the world is supposed to forget about all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives, forget about all the mothers crying over dead children, and forget about all the children crying because their family has been killed, and suddenly have faith in the brutal dictator? Not realistic to think the world is going to forget the worst crimes ever recorded against humanity, and viewable on tape, and suddenly ... have faith in the brutal dictator Assad Bashar and suddenly believe more of his ruthless lies? Especially after he refers protesters for democracy as germs???

Assad has no credibility at all whatsoever! He cannot undo all the damages with a lame speech full of criticism, threats and more lies!

You wouldn't be too optimistic about anything Assad Bashar said if you saw what I saw, and what is now posted on every website on the internet. Listening to Assad Bashar is like listening to Hitler -NO THANK YOU! I was NOT born yesterday! Even the idea of listening to Assad is an insult to my intelligence. Once someone has been proven a liar, I don't believe them anymore... this is called wisdom.

Assad's officers killed for defecting, not killed by demonstrators! «

Quote from article:

"The beginning of the end for Assad may be found in the northern city of Jisr Al-Shugour. There, Assad’s regime claimed that 120 Syrian soldiers were killed by violent demonstrators. However, the widespread reports from thousands of Syrians who fled the city to nearby Turkey tell a different tale: that the officers were killed after deserting the military and fighting their former comrades-in-arms. The Assad regime’s response, which was to essentially level half the city in a brutal show of force, recalls the horrors of the infamous 1982 massacre at Hama. Yet whereas Bashar’s father Hafez was then successful in using overwhelming violence to quiet dissent, signs of military mutiny today suggest that any success by Assad in quelling the unrest will be short-lived. It will be only a question of time when the Syrian youth will rise again, except this time no force, however brutal, will be able to suppress them."


Assad's officers killed for defecting, not killed by demonstrators!

WARNING: GRAPHIC Security forces attack civilians in #Barzah & place them in the trunk of the car

YouTube - فلاش تجمع الامن على مواطنين في برزة وضربهم ووضعهم في صندق السيارة ممتلئين بالدماء 24 6

RevolutionSyria Syrian Revolution
WARNING: GRAPHIC Security forces attack civilians in #Barzah & place them in the trunk of the car. Notice how...

YouTube - فلاش تجمع الامن على مواطنين في برزة وضربهم ووضعهم في صندق السيارة ممتلئين بالدماء 24 6

"Children of Syria are telling you their story". The most affected parties during the Syrian Uprising for Freedom

"Children of Syria are telling you their story". The most affected parties during the Syrian Uprising for Freedom...

Lt. Khalaf expecting terrorists, instead finds his fellow troops murdering unarmed civilians

YouTube - إنشقاق الملازم أول أحمد مصطفى خلف من الفرقة 15 قوات خاصة

Quote from article: "Here’s a video of Lieutenant Ahmad Moustapha Khalaf from Rastan. He got to Deraa expecting terrorists; instead, he saw his fellow troops looting and murdering unarmed civilians. Now he says Assad can’t offer “amnesty” to the "Syrian people; they’ll decide whether or not to offer amnesty to Assad.Syria: a cornered Assad is losing his marbles" -By Michael Weiss

Lt.Ahmad Moustapha Khalaf from Rastan got to Deraa expecting terrorists; instead, he saw his fellow troops looting and murdering unarmed civilians

YouTube - إنشقاق الملازم أول أحمد مصطفى خلف من الفرقة 15 قوات خاصة


mde310092011en.pdf (application/pdf Object)

EXECUTIONS OF FIVE MEN IMMINENT mde310092011en.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Article (pdf) copied below from

Further information on UA: 297/09 Index: MDE 31/009/2011 Yemen Date: 23 June 2011
Five men under sentence of death in Yemen could be executed in the next few days, according to
sources in the country. They have exhausted all their appeals, and their death sentences were
ratified by the President in 2009.
Yasser Ismail, aged 29, Bashir Ismail, aged 28, ‘Arif Far’i, aged 27, Mubarak Ghalib, aged 25 and Murad Ghalib,
aged 26, were sentenced to death in July 2006 for the murder of two men. All five men are related to each other.
They are held at the Central Prison in the city of Ta’izz. The Appeal Court in Ta’izz rejected their appeals against
their death sentences in March 2008, and the Supreme Court did the same in June 2009. The President ratified
their sentences within the same year.
According to information received from sources in Yemen, the five men have been scheduled for execution in the
next few days, with one report indicating that they may be executed as soon as 25 June. Amnesty International is
unable to confirm the report, but, given that the men exhausted all their appeals in 2009, it is concerned that they
may be subjected to capital punishment imminently.
There are hundreds of people under sentence of death in Yemen. In 2010, at least 53 people were executed.
PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Arabic, English or your own language:
n Urging the authorities not to execute Yasser Ismail, Bashir Ismail, ‘Arif Far’i, Mubarak Ghalib and Murad Ghalib;
n Urging the Vice President, in his position as acting President, to commute their death sentences, and those of all
others facing execution;
n Reminding the authorities that they are bound by international standards for fair trial in capital cases, including
the right to seek pardon or commutation of the sentence;
n Urging the Vice President, in his position as acting President, to establish a moratorium on executions, with a view
to completely abolishing the death penalty.
Vice President
His Excellency Abd Rabbu Mansour al-
Office of The President
Republic of Yemen
Fax: +967 1 274 147 (please keep
Salutation: Your Excellency
Attorney General
His Excellency Ali Ahmed Nasser al-
Attorney General’s Office
Republic of Yemen
Fax: +967 1 374 412
Salutation: Your Excellency
And copies to:
Ministry of Human Rights
Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Fax: +967 1 419 700 (please keep
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above
date. This is the first update of UA 297/09. Further information:

15 die as Syrians march demanding Assad's ouster - LA Daily News

15 die as Syrians march demanding Assad's ouster - LA Daily News

clip from article:

BEIRUT -- Defying government guns, thousands of Syrian protesters poured down city streets and a main highway Friday to press demands for President Bashar Assad's ouster. Security forces opened fire, killing at least 15 people, including two children, activists said.

Read more..

YouTube - musical youth - never gonna give you up

YouTube - musical youth - never gonna give you up

"third single & third video of the band musical youth from the album " the youth of today" filmed in jamaica in 1983 i think but i'm not sure"


Gabriel Helou: Saudi government donates US $5.2 million to UNRWA

Gabriel Helou: Saudi government donates US $5.2 million to UNRWA: "Amman , 22 June - UNRWA has received US$ 5.2 million from the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is the Kingdom’s annual cont..."

Rules_of_procedure_and_Evidence_English.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Rules_of_procedure_and_Evidence_English.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Rules of Procedure and Evidence are an instrument for the application of the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court

Elements Of Crimes / ICC / International Criminal Court Define Crime / Rome Statute

ElementsOfCrimesEng.pdf (application/pdf Object)

The Elements of Crimes are reproduced from
the Official Records of the Assembly of States
Parties to the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court

Table of Context
Published by the International Criminal Court
ISBN No. 92-9227-232-2
Copyright © International Criminal Court 2011
All rights reserved
Printed by PrintPartners Ipskamp, Enschede
Cover design: Corps ontwerpers
International Criminal Court | Po Box 19519 | 2500 CM | The Hague | The Netherlands |
Elements of Crimes
Table of Contents
General introduction 1
Article 6 Genocide 2
Introduction 2
6 (a) Genocide by killing 2
6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm 2
6 (c) Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring
about physical destruction 3
6 (d) Genocide by imposing measures intended to prevent births 3
6 (e) Genocide by forcibly transferring children 3
Article 7 Crimes against humanity 5
Introduction 5
7 (1) (a) Crime against humanity of murder 5
7 (1) (b) Crime against humanity of extermination 6
7 (1) (c) Crime against humanity of enslavement 6
7 (1) (d) Crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer of population 6
7 (1) (e) Crime against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of
physical liberty 7
7 (1) (f) Crime against humanity of torture 7
7 (1) (g)-1 Crime against humanity of rape 8
7 (1) (g)-2 Crime against humanity of sexual slavery 8
7 (1) (g)-3 Crime against humanity of enforced prostitution 9
7 (1) (g)-4 Crime against humanity of forced pregnancy 9
7 (1) (g)-5 Crime against humanity of enforced sterilization 9
7 (1) (g)-6 Crime against humanity of sexual violence 10
7 (1) (h) Crime against humanity of persecution 10
7 (1) (i) Crime against humanity of enforced disappearance of persons, 11
7 (1) (j) Crime against humanity of apartheid 12
7 (1) (k) Crime against humanity of other inhumane acts 12
Article 8 War crimes 13
Introduction 13
Article 8 (2) (a) 13
8 (2) (a) (i) War crime of wilful killing 13
8 (2) (a) (ii)-1 War crime of torture 14
8 (2) (a) (ii)-2 War crime of inhuman treatment 14
8 (2) (a) (ii)-3 War crime of biological experiments 15
8 (2) (a) (iii) War crime of wilfully causing great suffering 15
8 (2) (a) (iv) War crime of destruction and appropriation of property 15
8 (2) (a) (v) War crime of compelling service in hostile forces 16
8 (2) (a) (vi) War crime of denying a fair trial 16
8 (2) (a) (vii)-1 War crime of unlawful deportation and transfer 17
8 (2) (a) (vii)-2 War crime of unlawful confinement 17
Elements of Crimes
8 (2) (a) (viii) War crime of taking hostages 17
Article 8 (2) (b) 18
8 (2) (b) (i) War crime of attacking civilians 18
8 (2) (b) (ii) War crime of attacking civilian objects 18
8 (2) (b) (iii) War crime of attacking personnel or objects involved in a humanitarian
assistance or peacekeeping mission 18
8 (2) (b) (iv) War crime of excessive incidental death, injury, or damage 19
8 (2) (b) (v) War crime of attacking undefended places 20
8 (2) (b) (vi) War crime of killing or wounding a person hors de combat 20
8 (2) (b) (vii)-1 War crime of improper use of a flag of truce 20
8 (2) (b) (vii)-2 War crime of improper use of a flag, insignia or uniform of the
hostile party 21
8 (2) (b) (vii)-3 War crime of improper use of a flag, insignia or uniform of the United
Nations 21
8 (2) (b) (vii)-4 War crime of improper use of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva
Conventions 22
8 (2) (b) (viii) The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts
of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the
deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied
territory within or outside this territory 22
8 (2) (b) (ix) War crime of attacking protected objects 23
8 (2) (b) (x)-1 War crime of mutilation 23
8 (2) (b) (x)-2 War crime of medical or scientific experiments 24
8 (2) (b) (xi) War crime of treacherously killing or wounding 24
8 (2) (b) (xii) War crime of denying quarter 24
8 (2) (b) (xiii) War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy’s property 25
8 (2) (b) (xiv) War crime of depriving the nationals of the hostile power of rights or
actions 25
8 (2) (b) (xv) War crime of compelling participation in military operations 25
8 (2) (b) (xvi) War crime of pillaging 26
8 (2) (b) (xvii) War crime of employing poison or poisoned weapons 26
8 (2) (b) (xviii) War crime of employing prohibited gases, liquids, materials or devices 26
8 (2) (b) (xix) War crime of employing prohibited bullets 27
8 (2) (b) (xx) War crime of employing weapons, projectiles or materials or methods of
warfare listed in the Annex to the Statute 27
8 (2) (b) (xxi) War crime of outrages upon personal dignity 27
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-1 War crime of rape 28
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-2 War crime of sexual slavery 28
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-3 War crime of enforced prostitution 29
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-4 War crime of forced pregnancy 29
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-5 War crime of enforced sterilization 29
8 (2) (b) (xxii)-6 War crime of sexual violence 30
8 (2) (b) (xxiii) War crime of using protected persons as shields 30
8 (2) (b) (xxiv) War crime of attacking objects or persons using the distinctive
emblems of the Geneva Conventions 30
8 (2) (b) (xxv) War crime of starvation as a method of warfare 31
8 (2) (b) (xxvi) War crime of using, conscripting or enlisting children 31
Elements of Crimes
Article 8 (2) (c) 31
8 (2) (c) (i)-1 War crime of murder 31
8 (2) (c) (i)-2 War crime of mutilation 32
8 (2) (c) (i)-3 War crime of cruel treatment 32
8 (2) (c) (i)-4 War crime of torture 32
8 (2) (c) (ii) War crime of outrages upon personal dignity 33
8 (2) (c) (iii) War crime of taking hostages 33
8 (2) (c) (iv) War crime of sentencing or execution without due process 34
Article 8 (2) (e) 34
8 (2) (e) (i) War crime of attacking civilians 34
8 (2) (e) (ii) War crime of attacking objects or persons using the distinctive
emblems of the Geneva Conventions 35
8 (2) (e) (iii) War crime of attacking personnel or objects involved in a humanitarian
assistance or peacekeeping mission 35
8 (2) (e) (iv) War crime of attacking protected objects 36
8 (2) (e) (v) War crime of pillaging 36
8 (2) (e) (vi)-1 War crime of rape 36
8 (2) (e) (vi)-2 War crime of sexual slavery 37
8 (2) (e) (vi)-3 War crime of enforced prostitution 37
8 (2) (e) (vi)-4 War crime of forced pregnancy 38
8 (2) (e) (vi)-5 War crime of enforced sterilization 38
8 (2) (e) (vi)-6 War crime of sexual violence 38
8 (2) (e) (vii) War crime of using, conscripting and enlisting children 39
8 (2) (e) (viii) War crime of displacing civilians 39
8 (2) (e) (ix) War crime of treacherously killing or wounding 39
8 (2) (e) (x) War crime of denying quarter 40
8 (2) (e) (xi)-1 War crime of mutilation 40
8 (2) (e) (xi)-2 War crime of medical or scientific experiments 41
8 (2) (e) (xii) War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy’s property 41
8 (2) (e) (xiii) War crime of employing poison or poisoned weapons 41
8 (2) (e) (xiv) War crime of employing prohibited gases, liquids, materials or devices 42
8 (2) (e) (xv) War crime of employing prohibited bullets 42
Article 8 bis Crime of aggression 43

Crimes Against Humanity - Google Bookmarks

Crimes Against Humanity - Google Bookmarks

a way to keep documents handy for future use... in bookmarks documents and links do not disappear like on some websites

Newsvine - Bashar al-Assad Uses Speech to Dig His Own Grave - Technorati Politics

Newsvine - Bashar al-Assad Uses Speech to Dig His Own Grave - Technorati Politics

clip from article:


using the term saboteur as a label that can be given to anybody resisting the will of the government. With his pledge to eliminate these "saboteurs," al-Assad has given himself the green light to exterminate anybody that he deems a threat to the government. Any protester can be a "saboteur." Therefore, it is apparent that with this speech, al-Assad has simply promised more of the same for the future.

Let's follow the reasoning of Bashar al-Assad for a minute. To him, his nation is being overrun with "saboteurs" who wish to wreak havoc on his government and the peace of his country. However, to defeat these rebels, al-Assad believes that no international assistance is needed. Rather, "The solution is to solve the problem with our own hands."

Continued on the next page

Read more:

Live Blog | Al Jazeera Blogs

Live Blog | Al Jazeera Blogs

Women's demonstration Darya
YouTube - مظاهرة داريا النسائيه 22-6-2011:

Women's demonstration Darya YouTube - مظاهرة داريا النسائيه 22-6-2011:

Women's demonstration Darya
YouTube - مظاهرة داريا النسائيه 22-6-2011:
Women's demonstration Darya 22/06/2011

Women's demonstration Darya

Ban Ki-moon does not trust Assad: Voice of Russia

Ban Ki-moon does not trust Assad: Voice of Russia

Thank God someone in the United Nations has some morals and intelligence, and against killing children!

Sheesh! Please hurry and stop the daily killings!! For God Sake!

TwitLonger: 19:31 - #Syria President Assad, who has pledged to reform the country and engage in a dialogue with

TwitLonger: 19:31 - #Syria President Assad, who has pledged to reform the country and engage in a dialogue with


On Wednesday 22nd June 2011, @SaloumehZ said:

19:31 - #Syria President Assad, who has pledged to reform the country and engage in a dialogue with demonstrators, is running low on credibility, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday.

"I do not see much credibility [in] what he has been saying, because the situation has been continuing like this way, and how long should the situation be going [on in] this way," Ban told reporters when asked how credible he considered Assad's pledges of reform and other statements to be.

Washington Watch: Like father, like son / Assad Bashar Crimes Against Humanity... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Washington Watch: Like father, li... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

clipped from article:

It’s tradition in the Assad family to massacre civilians; Bashar’s father did it for nearly 30 years before him.

Does Bashar Assad seriously expect anyone to believe his promise – repeated again Monday – to reform? His 11 years in power are littered with dashed hopes, broken promises, and the bodies of thousands of Syrians who believed he would bring a better tomorrow. Instead, the myopic ophthalmologist proved the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

President Barack Obama once hoped he could wean Assad away from the Iranians’ embrace and bring him to the peace table with Israel and closer to the western camp, but that hope proved ephemeral.



YouTube - ‪UgaritNEWS1's Channel‬‏






Those who refuse to kill civilians are killed, bodies found.

Freedom of Choice in Syria:
1) Disobey Assad = Death.
2) Obey = kill your own people.

This is the sick reality that mainstream media does not want you to know / will affect shareholders profits possibly change markets...
Innocent blood is on the hands of everyone who stands by and allows child killing to continue -ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE GOVERNMENT LEADERS!

I don't know how anyone in the entire world can sleep at night without taking some action. If "everyone" takes some action, no matter how big or small change will happen! Please do something!! Anything! No matter how small. Share news that reports the truth to help stop crimes against children. Please...
Thank you...

Homs slogans wonderful Ah acne on Halqadeh حمص هتافات رائعة من حمص العدية آه على هالقاده

Arabic - detected to English translation
Homs Homs slogans wonderful Ah acne on Halqadeh
حمص هتافات رائعة من حمص العدية آه على هالقاده

Cham & Hmouria evening demonstration to condemn the speech 21-6 c 3

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - on and Hmouria - an evening demonstration to condemn the speech 21-6 c 3

Demonstration 2 condemn the speech #Syria 6-21-2011

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - on and Hmouria - an evening demonstration to condemn the speech 21-6 c 2شام - سقبا و حمورية - مظاهرة مسائية للتنديد بالخطاب 21-6 ج2

Syria-Hmouria-demonstration 2 condemn the speech شام - سقبا و حمورية - مظاهرة مسائية للتنديد بالخطاب 21-6 21

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - on and Hmouria - an evening demonstration to condemn the speech 21-6 Part 1

Syria-Hmouria-demonstration 2 condemn the speech
شام - سقبا و حمورية - مظاهرة مسائية للتنديد بالخطاب 21-6 21

Cham Homs Khalidiya cheering Hafez Abu dear 21-6 YouTube - شام-حمص-الخالدية-الهتاف لابو حافظ الغالي 21-6

YouTube - شام-حمص-الخالدية-الهتاف لابو حافظ الغالي 21-6

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - Homs - Khalidiya - cheering for Hafez Abu dear 21-6
YouTube - شام-حمص-الخالدية-الهتاف لابو حافظ الغالي 21-6

Cham Homs Khalidiya security forces fired gas demonstrators شام-حمص-الخالدية-عناصر الامن تطلق الغاز على المتظاهر

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham Homs Khalidiya security forces fired gas demonstrators
شام-حمص-الخالدية-عناصر الامن تطلق الغاز على المتظاهر...

Cham - Idlib - a demonstration evening on the night support refugees 21-6 C 6 شام - ادلب - مظاهرة مسائية ليلة نصرة اللاجئين 21-6

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - Idlib - a demonstration evening on the night support refugees 21-6 C 6
شام - ادلب - مظاهرة مسائية ليلة نصرة اللاجئين 21-6 ج6

Khalidiya security attack on demonstrators in 06/21/2011 YouTube - الخالدية هجوم الامن على المتظاهرين في 21-6-2011

YouTube - الخالدية هجوم الامن على المتظاهرين في 21-6-2011

Arabic - detected to English translation
Khalidiya security attack on demonstrators in 06/21/2011
YouTube - الخالدية هجوم الامن على المتظاهرين في 21-6-2011

children is getting killed,our women getting raped& where r u?" [and my ranting]

yfrog Photo : Shared by hamzamu #Turkey #Syria "turkish brothers, our children is getting killed,our women getting raped& where r u?" via @hamzamu

United Nations has not even reported anything on Syria, not even talking about it. Apparently the United Nations has no problem with dictators killing children, raping women and children, torturing and murdering their own people, while according to Assad and his media, this is all normal, it is just ordinary life in Syria ... you knowing military raping 8 year old children with Viagra and police gang raping women, children getting tortured to death over weeks of suffering, or getting shot in the head, whole families being killed while sleeping in their homes, this is all ordinary work in the life a dictator, so the world has no reason to be alarmed. United Nations do not want to "upset" Russia or China, so they decide they are okay with killing children too. One sick world we live in, and my only peace comes from knowing that JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED, one way or another! And either way it goes all those who are accountable for letting crimes against humanity continue are guilty of participation in political corruption that stoops to the worst crimes possible against humanity, but still United Nations take no action to even protect children! I am appalled and totally disgusted. I guess the United Nations do not even support their own Roman Statute Guidelines --not when it comes to Syria anyway! This is clearly racial discrimination within the United Nations, of all places.... just ranting and fuming, as I am not finding any good news about children being protected, instead I keep finding news about MORE CHILDREN BEING KILLED. sick sick world we live in. I will continue to pray, and know that justice will be served, because no matter what religion you are, killing children has been addressed as provoking the wrath of Allah, God, Jehovah, etc..

UN Security Council cannot remain silent for much longer,” French prime minister Francois Fillon said at a joint press conference

Syria’s Assad orders new amnesty | .woomz | a new life theory

UN Security Council cannot remain silent for much longer,” French prime minister Francois Fillon said at a joint press conference in Paris with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Syria’s Assad orders new amnesty | .woomz | a new life theory

Syria’s Assad orders new amnesty | .woomz | a new life theory

"At the forefront of criticism of the Syrian authorities, France called for UN Security Council intervention.

“The UN Security Council cannot remain silent for much longer,” French prime minister Francois Fillon said at a joint press conference in Paris with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin."

Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&

Human Rights 4 All: TwitLonger: 20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&

TwitLonger: 20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&
TwitLonger: 20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&


On Tuesday 21st June 2011, @SaloumehZ said:

20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs" this morning when they attempted to return home to Jisr al-Shughur, near the Turkish border, on Tuesday morning. Several people were reportedly injured.

Avaaz also says dozens of protesters are in hospitals across the city of Homs after they were shot at by regime forces yesterday.
Posted by Wendy Wyatt at 1:29 PM
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Labels: Assad Al Bashar Must be Prosecuted in International Criminal Court ICC UN Crimes Against Humanity Roman Statute Elements Murder Torture Rape Children Women Civilians

TwitLonger: 20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&

TwitLonger: 20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs&


On Tuesday 21st June 2011, @SaloumehZ said:

20:26 - #Syria Human rights group Avaaz says dozens of refugees were shot at by "shabiha thugs" this morning when they attempted to return home to Jisr al-Shughur, near the Turkish border, on Tuesday morning. Several people were reportedly injured.

Avaaz also says dozens of protesters are in hospitals across the city of Homs after they were shot at by regime forces yesterday.

Bangladesh does not have any indigenous population - According to the United Nations!

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition

????????????? Unbelievable! ... I guess it is believable... but pitiful, coming from the United Nations!

The joy of the people of Homs third speech Bashar 20/06/2011 YouTube - فرحة اهالي حمص بالخطاب الثالث لبشار 20-6-2011

YouTube - فرحة اهالي حمص بالخطاب الثالث لبشار 20-6-2011

Arabic - detected to English translation
The joy of the people of Homs third speech Bashar 20/06/2011
YouTube - فرحة اهالي حمص بالخطاب الثالث لبشار 20-6-2011

Cham - Idlib - Sracb - angry demonstrations in response to the speech Alhazee ... YouTube - شام - ادلب - سراقب - مظاهرات غاضبة ردا على الخطاب الهزي...

YouTube - شام - ادلب - سراقب - مظاهرات غاضبة ردا على الخطاب الهزي...

Arabic - detected to English translation
Cham - Idlib - Sracb - angry demonstrations in response to the speech Alhazee ...
YouTube - شام - ادلب - سراقب - مظاهرات غاضبة ردا على الخطاب الهزي...

YouTube - فلاش- مظاهرات درعا البلد 20-6

YouTube - فلاش- مظاهرات درعا البلد 20-6

Arabic - detected to English translation
Flash - demonstrations shield the country 20-6
YouTube - فلاش- مظاهرات درعا البلد 20-6

Syria - demonstrations shield the country 20-6
YouTube - فلاش- مظاهرات درعا البلد 20-6

Homs Khalidiya demonstrations night response to tyrant Assad Bashar YouTube - حمص الخالدية مظاهرات ليلية ردا على خطاب الطاغية 20-6

YouTube - حمص الخالدية مظاهرات ليلية ردا على خطاب الطاغية 20-6

Arabic - detected to English translation
Homs Khalidiya demonstrations night response to a letter tyrant
YouTube - حمص الخالدية مظاهرات ليلية ردا على خطاب الطاغية 20-6

BBC News - Syria: Pesident Bashar al-Assad to address nation

BBC News - Syria: Pesident Bashar al-Assad to address nation

waste of a post, liar about to speak.... just arrest him and he can save his speech for International Criminal Court